Erin TvTropes

10 min read

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AriaVampireRose7's avatar
Seeing that angelthewingedcat and Sakura-Ange has done TVtropes of their OCs, I decided to make one of my own. So here's what I have so far.

The Ace: Erin also has talents in drawing, writing, and karate fighting. She also has magic powers over water, ice, and magic. She loves singing but gets stage fright easily except when it comes to friends, family, or when her chara Melody helps her. She also has so many interest which surprises or amaze some people.

Action Girl/Action Hero

Action Fashionista: She wears different outfits in all of her adventures.


AffectionateNickname: Erin was given nicknames by everyone but the most affectionate are from her friends or her closest people.
*Alyssa and Amanda call her "sempai".
*She's called "baby" by her father, Bonkers.
*Selene calls Erin "Miss Erin" out of politeness and admiration.
*In some fics or parodies, Noah calls her "honey", a while it was mostly common nickname given, it soon grew as a genuine affectionate nickname after they became friends.

All-Loving Hero: There are moments where Erin would save her enemies no matter if they try to kill her or laminate her. She also believes that Wing and her Topsiez counterpart has a pure heart while some, even villains, are doubtful.

* In some Team AToons stories, despite they hate each other, Erin try to save Collector and even sympathizes him for him claiming he's a toon when he's really a human disguised as a toon.
* From Total Drama All-Stars up until either Through the Mirror or Cure Season and Harmonia, before realizing Mal was not in Mike's body anymore, she would never hurt Mal basically because he resembles Mike much to his amusement.

Mal: (taunting Erin's concerns for Mike) Oh Erin, silly as always. That's the one thing about you: a heart! You don't wanna hurt Mike even if I control over him.

AntiHero/HeroicSafeMode: When pushed too far or goes extremely insane, she becomes Hardcore Erin. This happen twice in her life.

Apologizes a Lot

Ascended Fanboy/AscendedFangirl: She's a huge fans of cartoons alike and is one herself (one of her dreams). She's also a fan of Disney and other Princesses even became one herself.

Bad Liar


Berserk Button

* Hates being called fat or chubby
* People messing with her friends and family

Beware the Nice Ones: While being a Nice Girl, she has a very bad temper and a sadistic side that uses on people she doesn't like, and only them.

Big Eater: She loves food, especially around chocolate.

Black and Grey Morality: Despite from a family of cops and follows rules and because of her pure heart, Erin believes not all criminals or thieves or some villains are evil especially her best friend Wing who she supports her dream and idea. She stated "anyone has the power to be good or bad, sometimes you just need a little courage to overcome the bad within you".

BreakTheCutie: She doesn't take her rencounter with the reborn Mal very well.


Cute and Psycho: During her time as Hardcore Erin/HeroicSafeMode.

DamselOutOfDistress: She hates being the damsel in distress despite she gets kidnapped or gets in peril all the time.

Easily Forgiven: Zigzagged. Erin is an easily forgiven girl but she has her moments where it takes a while for her to forgive someone.

EverybodyHatesMathematics: Erin hates and can't do math except basic math.

Extreme Omnivore: Being a toon, Erin can eat anything.

  • When her cellphone rang during a mission, in hope not to get caught, she swallows her phone whole to make it stop.

  • She eats the whole evil sketchbook without ill effects.

  • During a mission with Selene, she swallowed a box with the Harmonia treasure so the bad guys won't get it. She coughs it out later but the diadem was safe.

Freaky Is Cool: She loves weird, creepy and scary, crazy girls (i.e. Sierra and Izzy), and non-normal stuff due to being odd herself.

Friend to All Living Things

Genki Girl

Glomp: Being a toon girl, she glomps on people when she's happy or excited.

GoGoEnslavement: Happens most times when Erin was kidnapped
*In some fics, when she used to be captured by Evil Sonic, he put her in dresses suitable to him.
*In Zoanne, a non-villainous example, when captured by Cheeri-Jum, she was dressed in the suitable attire of the planet.
*In Weirdoland, whenever she was captured by Nick O'Teen the Red Caterpillar, he would dress her similar to Evil Sonic.
*In Legends of Topsiez: Erin's Return, Jester Discord puts the headband on which gave her a slave outfit.
*(Spoiler) When captured by Cosmina during Cure Season and Harmonia, Erin got separated and captured despite being offered to tea by Alexandru. When Cosmina couldn't drink her blood, Alex healed her and gave her a dress (which was made by Raven, Selene's persona while under his control).
*In Erin's Scarily Ever After 2nd story, the wolf gave her a biker outfit which she used it to trick him later.

GoshdangItToHeck: Erin tries not curse so she uses rated G cursing due to being a toon.

Hair-Trigger Temper


  • She used to be a half human/half toon before she turned 18.
  • She has the DNA of an African Wild Dog.

Heroic BSOD:

  • In What About Erin, she broke down into tears when Nick O'Teen dies in her arms. She was depress until Mina Mongoose came to cheer her up. 
  • In Erin in Weirdoland She completely snaps when rencounters with Mal, who was brought back to life by Jafar.
  • Also in Through The Mirror, she breaks down when almost everyone in Weirdoland, became trapped in crystal prisons.
  • In Twisted Future, but only in the alternate future, when her friends, SG, Alyssa, and Tails died in an accident, she got so depressed she refused to leave her room, talk to anyone, or even be a hero.


Hidden Depths:

  • In the ETMA special, Discord revealed that Erin secretly reads/watches yuri manga and anime without no one looking much to her embarrassment and asked she thought it was Ezekiel, J.Z., Hank, or Thomas. In response of annoyance for finding out her secret, she whipped Discord's tail into knocking into his rear.

Human Mom Nonhuman Dad: Her mom, Miranda Wright, is a human whilst Bonkers, her father, is a toon.

I Just Want to Be Normal: Erin said one time she never intend on being a hero nor have powers aside being a toon, one of the reasons was she did not want to be popular, have attention, or at time she was still scared of villains. But after realizing it meant more then being famous and helping people she cares about, she considered be one.

Involuntary Shapeshifting: She has dog ears and tail pop out when she's excited, nervous, or acts like a dog because she has the DNA of an African Wild Dog.

Iron Buttmonkey: Being a toon, Erin can survive anything (examples: explosions, fall from high heights, and electricity). The only things that can actually harm or kill her is the Dip (one of her worse fears), dark magic, and being eaten and she can still get sick as normal humans.

KarmicTrickster: Whether it's being a toon or has a sadistic side, Erin pulls karma prank on her enemies.
    *She poured ink all over Courtney after she voted off Gwen in Total Drama World Tour.

KickChick: Her legs are so strong, they cut through anything even locks on doors and trees

Leaning on the Fourth Wall: Tends to break the forth wall all the time and fully aware of her creator.

Like Parent, Like Spouse: Erin has gotten her silly traits from her father while her mature and serious side from her mother.

MamaBear: While not related and more of FriendToAllChildren, but mess with children, especially Selene, the contestants of Total Drama (even the evil contestants), or younger children and she will attack you. Goes to show you that she has her overprotectiveness from her father.
    *After she gave birth to Zoey, mess with her daughter and she will fully go mama bear, figuratively and literally. The villains found out the hard way.
            Erin: Don't! You! Dare! HARM! With! MY BABY!!! (leaps into the air and roars like a bear before beating the crap out of the villains)

Medium Awareness/No Fourth Wall: Being a toon, she always breaks the fourth wall.




Plucky Girl


Rapunzel Hair

Rebellious Princess

Shrinking Violet

Skirt over Slacks: Lampshades by Erin who claims she never wears a skirt unless she has pants, capri, or shorts

Skunk Stripe: A pink one.

Smarter Than You Look

Suddenly Fluent in Gibberish

Sweet Tooth: Mostly her favorite chocolate.


Token Good Teammate: On All-Stars, Erin and Gwen were the only members of the Villainous Vultures who aren't evil. In fact, Erin only joined the Villainous Vulture's to begin with to prove Gwen is not a villain despite she was supposed to be Heroic Hamster and being on the villain's team would ruin her reputation.


Tomboy Princess

Tomboy with a Girly Streak: She has her moments to be a tomboy and a girly girl.

Toon Physics: Being a half-human half-toon to toon, Erin does anything a toon does (i.e. breaking the fourth wall, slips on banana peels, hit on the heads which results large lumps, and surviving anything humans or regular humans can't survive (except the Dip, being eaten, or nearly killed by dark magic))

Took a Level in Badass: See Cute and Psycho and AntiHero/HeroicSafeMode above.

Tsundere: Type B.

Wacky Parent, Serious Child: The Serious Child to Bonkers' Wacky Parent.


You Have Got to Be Kidding Me!: Her reaction to J.Z. cosplaying as Ratigan in "Cosplaying and Karaoke-Pop".

If there's anything I don't have and if anyone has other ideas that fit me, tell me.

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